Compute! Gazette 1984 October
first aid
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Commodore BASIC
259 lines
10 rem ***first aid***
20 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke646,3
25 print" please stand by"
30 dimm$(50),a$(50,100)
40 a=1
50 readm$(a):ifm$(a)=""then70
60 a=a+1:goto50
70 a=1:b=1
80 reada$(a,b)
90 ifa$(a,b)="9"thengoto120
100 ifa$(a,b)=""thena=a+1:b=1:goto80
110 b=b+1:goto80
120 print"[147]":print"[145]first aid selection"
130 q=1:s=0:rr=1
140 fora=1to34:g=a
150 ifa>20thenifqthenq=0:print"":s=24
160 ifa>26theng=-16+a-26
170 print"[158]"tab(s)chr$(g+64)"[159]"spc(1)m$(a)
180 next
190 poke198,0
200 print"[158]enter letter or number:[159]"
210 geta$:ifa$=""then210
220 a=asc(a$)-64
225 ifasc(a$)<49orasc(a$)>90then210
230 ifa<1thena=91+(a+15)-64
240 ifa>34ora<0then210
250 print"[147]"
260 forb=1to100
270 ifb>10anda=14andrr=1thenprint" [158]press any key to continue[159]":gosub370
280 print""a$(a,b)
290 ifa$(a,b)=""then310
300 next
310 print"hit any key to return to main menu"
320 poke198,0
330 geta$:ifa$=""then330
340 goto120
350 geta$:ifa$=""then350
360 c=val(a$)
370 poke198,0
380 geta$:ifa$=""then380
390 print"[147]":rr=0:return
400 data"[158]emergency numbers[159]"
410 data"appendicitis"
420 data"artif. respiration"
430 data"bites (animal)","bites (insect)","bites (snake)"
440 data "bleeding (severe)"
450 data"bone & joint injuries","bruises"
460 data"burns (minor)"
470 data"burns (serious)","burns (v. serious)"
480 data"burns (chemical)","choking","drugs"
490 data"earache","electric shock","epilepsy"
500 data"exposure to cold","exposure to heat"
510 data"fainting","fever","heart attack","hernias","nose bleed"
520 data"poison (gas)","poison (oral)","shock","sprains","strains"
530 data "stroke","sunburn","sunstroke","toothache",""
540 data"[158]***emergency numbers***[159]"
550 data"poison control center: 798-6200":data"doctor: 823-4796"
560 data"ambulance: 429-5111"
570 data"doctor: 823-4796"
580 data"hospital: 823-1000"
590 data"police: 429-8231"
600 data"fire: 823-2233",""
610 data"appendicitis","1)[146] call your doctor."
620 data"2)[146] never give anything by mouth."
630 data"3)[146] ice bag may reduce discomfort.",""
640 data"artificial respiration"
650 data"1)[146] tilt head back."
660 data"2)[146] pinch nose shut. blow air into victim's mouth."
670 data"3)[146] remove mouth;look for exhalation."
680 data"4)[146] repeat blowing cycle."
690 data"adult[146] - breathe deeply every 5 seconds."
700 data"child[146] - breathe gently every 3 seconds.",""
710 data"animal bites","1)[146] stop bleeding."
720 data"2)[146] wash wound with soap & water."
730 data"3)[146] restrict movement of affected part."
740 data"4)[146] isolate animal for rabies test.",""
750 data"insect bites","minor:","1)[146]"
760 data"[145][145]apply cold soothing lotions(calamine)"
770 data"severe reactions:","1)[146] give artificial respiration"
780 data"[145]if necessary."
790 data"2)[146] apply constricting band"
800 data"[145]2-4 inches above sting."
810 data"3)[146] keep affected part down"
820 data"[145]and apply ice pack."
830 data"4)[146] if allergic reaction -"
840 data"[145]get medical attention.",""
850 data"snake bites"
860 data"1)[146] get victim to hospital."
870 data"2)[146] restrict movement of victim."
880 data"3)[146] immobolize affected part below"
890 data"[145]level of heart."
900 data"4)[146] apply constricting band 2-4 inches"
910 data"[145]above bite & between bite & heart."
920 data"5)[146] make incision length-wise(not deep)"
930 data"[145]at fang marks."
940 data"6)[146] suck venom from wound & spit out."
950 data"[145]repeat for at least 40 minutes."
960 data"7)[146] treat for shock.",""
970 data"severe bleeding","1)[146] call for medical assistance."
980 data"2)[146] lay victim down & elevate legs in a semi-flexed position."
990 data"3)[146] control bleeding by applying direct pressure to wound."
1000 data"4)[146] if bleeding continues apply digital"
1010 data"[145]pressure at pressure point."
1020 data"5)[146] elevate bleeding part of body above level of heart."
1030 data"6)[146] maintain open airway & give victim plenty of fresh air."
1040 data"7)[146] prevent loss of heat with blankets over & under victim.",""
1050 data"bone & joint injuries"
1060 data"1)[146] keep bone ends & adjacent joints still."
1070 data"2)[146] do not move victim unless absolutely necessary."
1080 data"3)[146] apply well padded splint to injured part."
1090 data"4)[146] if broken bone is protruding, control bleeding."
1100 data"[145][145]cover with clean dressing before splinting."
1110 data"5)[146] treat for shock.",""
1120 data"bruises"
1130 data"1)[146] apply cold cloth or ice pack to relieve pain and"
1140 data"[145][145] reduce swelling.",""
1150 data"minor burns(1st degree)"
1160 data"1)[146] submerge reddened skin in cold water."
1170 data"2)[146] apply dry dressing if necessary.",""
1180 data"serious burns(2nd degree)"
1190 data"1)[146] submerge blistered skin in cold (not ice) water."
1200 data"2)[146] apply clean cloths soaked in ice water."
1210 data"3)[146] apply protective bandage."
1220 data"4)[146] elevate affected parts.",""
1230 data"very serious burns(3rd degree)"
1240 data"1)[146] do not remove adhered particles of clothing from charred"
1250 data"[145][145]skin."
1260 data"2)[146] elevate affected parts above victim's heart."
1270 data"3)[146] cover burns with clean thick dressings-no ointments."
1280 data"4)[146] treat for shock, then get victim to hospital.",""
1290 data" chemical burns"
1300 data"1)[146] wash for 5 or more minutes with large amounts of water."
1310 data"2)[146] apply clean dressing; get to hospital",""
1320 data" choking","1)[146] if victim can cough, breathe,or talk,"
1330 data"[145][145]do nothing."
1340 data"2)[146] if victim is clutching throat, encourage vigorous"
1350 data"[145][145]coughing."
1360 data"3)[146] if victim still cannot cough, breathe or talk, give 4 sharp"
1370 data"[145] blows between shoulder blades,"
1380 data"[145] followed by 4 abdominal thrusts."
1390 data"[145] repeat until object is dislodged."
1400 data"4)[146] if victim is a child,hold upside down & slap sharply on back."
1410 data"5)[146] if breathing has stopped & foreign material cannot be"
1420 data"[145][145]dislodged"
1430 data"[145] administer artificial respiration."
1440 data"[145] get prompt medical attention.",""
1450 data" drugs"
1460 data"1)[146] keep airway open; give artificial"
1470 data"[145]ventilation or cpr if needed."
1480 data"2)[146] treat for shock."
1490 data"3)[146] place unconscious victim in a 3"
1491 data"[145] quarters prone position."
1500 data"4)[146] protect victim from injury."
1510 data"5)[146] hallucinogenic victims may need careful attention."
1520 data"6)[146] get victim to hospital.",""
1530 data"earache"
1540 data"1)[146] call your doctor."
1550 data"2)[146] apply ice bag or hot water bottle; whichever gives relief."
1560 data""," electric shock"
1570 data"1)[146] turn off electricity if possible."
1580 data"2)[146] remove electric contact from victim with dry wood or dry"
1590 data"[145][145]cloth.","3)[146] give artificial respiration."
1600 data"4)[146] keep victim warm.","5)[146] call your doctor.",""
1610 data"epilepsy"
1620 data"1)[146] prevent victim from injuring himself but do not restrain."
1630 data"2)[146] insert cloth between teeth to protect tongue."
1640 data"3)[146] loosen tight collar; keep victim warm",""
1650 data"exposure (to cold)"
1660 data"1)[146] cover frozen part.","2)[146] provide extra clothing blankets."
1670 data"3)[146] bring indoors."
1680 data"4)[146] immerse frozen part i